Price and Value

While price is an important consideration when choosing an electrician, there are a number of other factors that you need to take into account when making your choice.

Our service aims to provide what you are looking for in an electrician. Not only competence, an emphasis on safety and a reasonable price, but also reliability, neat and tidy work, responsiveness to your needs, regular communication throughout the process and a friendly, approachable manner.

Be wary of services that seem too cheap

The use of the word "cheap" can make an offer sound appealing. However, some contractors who emphasise "cheap" may be cutting corners and compromising your safety. If people are under-charging for each job, it can mean they need to rush their work and fit in more jobs in order to make a living. Another way they might cut costs is to use inferior quality parts.

More expensive doesn't necessarily mean "better" either

Every business has different running costs, expenses and profit margins, and these result in different prices.

Larger electrical companies usually need to charge more in order to function. They have admin staff, sales people and managers to pay for. An electrician from a larger business who works on your installation is not necessarily more experienced or better qualified than an independent electrician. Their higher price is often due to greater business overheads. So, a more expensive price doesn't necessarily mean a better job.

Better to judge on overall value

The value of an electrician's service is a combination of elements:

  • the safety and quality of the work,
  • helping you understand exactly what you are getting for your money
  • clearly explaining what the process involves (e.g. any other work that might need to be done, such as plastering)
  • providing a positive overall experience of the process (i.e. good customer service)
  • price.

You also want to make sure that they are suitably qualified, fully insured and preferably belong to an organisation, such as NAPIT, who ensure that they have to meet stringent standards in order to be a member.

In short, you want a good job done, safely, with the minimum of hassle, and at a reasonable price.

What we offer

Right from the moment you call to the moment we've finished the work, and beyond, we aim to provide a high quality service, not only in terms of electrical work, but in making the process as smooth and pleasant as possible for you.

We've been in the business long enough to have picked up on what's important to our customers:

  • You want us to deliver good quality work with an emphasis on safety.
  • You want us to be reliable and stick to agreed appointment times.
  • You want us to listen to what you want and provide suggestions where appropriate.
  • You like us to put everything in writing so we both share the same understanding of what the work involves and what the outcomes should be.
  • You like us to keep you informed of what we are doing and how the work is progressing.
  • You like us to leave everything neat and tidy when we've finished.
  • You want us to be contactable after the work is complete, in case you have any questions or problems that need resolving. You also want us to be approachable, so you feel comfortable enough to raise any issues.
  • You want our prices to be reasonable.

How successful we are at delivering these things can only really be judged by our customers. You can find out what they say and think about us here.

Our customers think our prices are reasonable

Judging by their comments, many of our customers think our prices are reasonable and offer good value for money.

Many of our customers recommend us

Word of mouth recommendations are probably the best way to find a good electrician. But if you don't know of anyone who is recommended, or you just want to check out your options, what do you do?

Most likely these days, you'll look online. That's probably why you're reading this.

As far as recommendations go, we can point you in the direction of our customers. While you don't know our customers personally, we have over 50 reviews on, with many saying that they would recommend us.

So, why not check out what they say about us and, if you think that we seem like a good option...

Give us a call on 07793 387 287 or Contact Us for a Quote