
Finding a trustworthy, competent electrician that has your safety and interests at heart can be a difficult task.

The standards we must meet to gain accreditations and be accepted as members of an association demonstrate our commitment to carrying out our work at the highest levels. Becoming a member of an association is voluntary. But we join them and subject ourselves to their rigorous assessments partly because it's good for business, but also because we take a pride in what we do and want to demonstrate that we are highly competent.

However, our accreditations, association memberships and qualifications aren't just listed to make us look good. They directly benefit you in a number of ways. They:

  • provide evidence of our competence;
  • ensure that your safety is the highest priority;
  • prove that we are are regularly assessed, to assure you that our high work standards and levels of competence are maintained;
  • demonstrate that we are licensed and qualified;
  • ensure that we are able to provide you with the certificates to prove your property meets the required standards and regulations;
  • enable us to save you time, money and hassle by taking care of inspections and legal documentation;
  • provide the reassurance and security of knowing we are fully insured;
  • give you recourse to an independent complaints process;
  • ensure that we work to the highest standards;
  • make certain that our work is carried out in accordance with the latest regulations and best practices;
  • ensure that our business practices are ethical and we maintain high standards of business practice;
  • provide us with the skills to finish our work neatly and tidily.

What specific memberships mean...

NAPIT Membership

The National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT) is a leading Government authorised and United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited membership scheme operator in the building services and fabric sector.

Our membership of NAPIT means you can be confident that we are certified as competent, that we provide access to Building Regulations Compliance Certification and we have appropriate financial protection. In addition, we are regularly assessed by NAPIT to ensure we deliver safe and compliant work so we can remain a member.

Our NAPIT membership enables us to display the Registered Competent Person and NAPIT logos to reassure you of the high standards and compliance of our work. Our work is also backed by a 6 year NAPIT Work Quality Guarantee and gives you access to an independent complaints procedure for added reassurance.

Benefits to you from our NAPIT membership include:

  • We are required to provide a warranty for correcting any non-compliant work for up to six years from the date the work was completed - so you can be sure that your work is guaranteed to be of the highest quality
  • The NAPIT work quality guarantee - which backs up our warranty
  • Covered by £2m public liability insurance and at least £250,000 professional indemnity insurance
  • Able to complete work safely and to legally required standards
  • Regular assessment to ensure our ongoing competence
  • Always aware of, and working to, the very latest health and safety regulations
  • We are able to provide you with the necessary certificates to demonstrate the regulatory compliance of the work we do.

Registered Competent Person

Being a Registered Competent Person provides you with the assurance that:

  • We work to the British Standard for electrical safety (BS 7671)
  • We've met, and continue to meet strict entry and ongoing requirements, including qualifications, skills, knowledge, experience and insurance policies
  • Our work is regularly assessed to ensure continued competence and that it continues to meet the required standards
  • We will provide you with a BS7671 certificate to confirm that our work has been designed, inspected and tested in line with the BS7671 electrical safety standard. If the work is notifiable, we will also arrange a Building Regulations Compliance Certificate to confirm compliance with Building Regulations
  • We are permitted to self-certify our work in line with the Building Regulations, eliminating the need for you to notify your Local Authority Building Control department and saving you inspection charges (an average of £241) for each piece of notifiable work
  • We have valid insurance policies in place, including Public Liability Insurance
  • We are subject to an independent complaints procedure.

Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSSC)

The CSCS is the leading skills certification scheme within the UK construction industry and ensures that we have the required training and qualifications for the work we carry out on construction sites.

So, if you are in need of a competent, qualified electrician then why not...

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