Electrical Auditing

Electrical safety is of critical importance in modern living and working environments. Effective management of electrical risks is crucial to avoid potentially serious injuries or worse. Additionally, electrical hazards can lead to significant business interruptions, downtime, and other operational losses. To prevent such incidents and minimize disruptions, it is necessary to conduct regular electrical safety audits.

Our Electrical Auditing Services

With a shortage of skilled electricians, a lot of electrical work is carried out by unregistered electricians, builders and other tradespeople, or people who are DIYers. The increasing amount of electrical work done by unqualified individuals can lead to unsafe installations and potential hazards, such as electrical fires and shocks.

Compliance Checking Service

A result of this is an increased need for homes and business premises to be audited.

Our Compliance Checking Service is an electrical audit that re-tests and checks for compliance to ensure that work done by unqualified and under-qualified contractors is safe and everything is functioning properly.

This service is important for both homes and business premises. Ensuring electrical safety is crucial to protect lives, prevent property damage, and comply with legal standards and insurance requirements.

In order to demonstrate that your building's electrical installation is safe, you need an audit by a ‘qualified and competent person’ (a term used by the Government), such as ourselves. This ensures the work meets current regulations, is thoroughly inspected, and any issues are correctly identified and rectified. This guarantees the highest standards of safety and reliability.

On-Site Audits

We provide comprehensive testing, evaluation and risk assessments of your electrical installation.

Price: £150* per on-site audit visit.

Desktop Audits

Our desktop audit service is a review of certification and compliance documents. The purpose of this is to ensure compliance with relevant standards and regulations.

The cost of this service is £25* per desktop certificate audit.

Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)

By law, landlords are required to have a valid EICR, with inspections every five years.

While businesses and homeowners are not legally required to have an EICR, they are required to ensure that their properties are safe. Having a regular EICR is a way to not only ensure safety and compliance, but also to demonstrate that you have taken reasonable steps to do so, which can help avoid negligence claims.

Our EICR prices are:

  • Domestic EICR: £125*
  • Commercial EICR: POA - our price will depend on the size and nature of the premises requiring inspection, so contact us for a quote.

* Prices listed above are correct as at 1st June 2024.

Why Choose Us as Your Electrical Safety Auditing Provider?

Choosing us means choosing expertise and reliability. Here’s why:

  • "Qualified Competent Person": We are qualified to carry out audits and provide Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICR).
  • Competitive Rates: Competitive and transparent pricing with no hidden charges.
  • Experienced Professionals: A competent and certified workforce with years of testing and auditing experience.
  • Comprehensive Services: From on-site inspections and compliance checks to desktop audits, we cover all aspects of electrical safety.
  • Proven Track Record: Trusted by clients for our thorough and effective audits and testing.

Ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical systems by choosing us for your next electrical safety audit. Get in touch to book an electrical safety audit.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Electrical Safety Audit?

An electrical safety audit involves a detailed assessment of your electrical systems to identify risks and potential hazards, such as overloaded circuits, faulty components and malfunctioning equipment. It also assesses the effectiveness of your electrical safety management system and ensures compliance with relevant regulations.

The primary purpose is to uncover hidden issues before they become serious problems.

Who Needs an Electrical Safety Audit?

Electrical safety audits are essential for a variety of settings:

  • Businesses: To ensure workplace safety and compliance with regulations, regular audits are necessary to prevent electrical hazards, ensure adherence to safety standards, and maintain operational efficiency.
  • Homeowners: Identify potential safety concerns and improve energy efficiency.
  • Contractors and Maintenance Teams: Maintain safety standards and prevent hazards in any new installations.
  • Property Development and Management Companies. Companies involved in property development and management need electrical safety audits to ensure that new constructions and existing buildings are safe and compliant with current electrical regulations. This is crucial for the safety of tenants/buyers and to protect from electrical-related damages and liabilities.
  • Residential Care Homes. Facilities that provide residential care for the elderly or disabled must conduct regular electrical safety audits to protect vulnerable residents from potential electrical hazards. Ensuring compliance with safety regulations also helps avoid legal and reputational risks.
  • Public Institutions: Safeguard the well-being of employees, contractors, and visitors.

Regular electrical safety audits are crucial for identifying potential hazards, ensuring compliance with safety regulations, and maintaining efficient operations across various sectors. These audits help prevent electrical accidents, minimize downtime, and protect both people and property.

Why Have an Electrical Safety Audit?

An electrical safety audit is fundamental for:

  • Preventing Accidents: Identifying and mitigating electrical hazards before they cause harm.
  • Ensuring Compliance: Meeting legal and regulatory requirements to avoid penalties.
  • Protecting Assets: Reducing the risk of damage to equipment and property.
  • Maintaining Operations: Avoiding downtime due to electrical failures.
  • Enhancing Safety: Ensuring a safe environment for everyone in the building.
  • Insurance Purposes: Insurance policies may require proof of electrical safety inspections and compliance by a certified professional to validate claims related to electrical incidents.

Benefits of an Electrical Safety Audit

Conducting an electrical safety audit offers several key benefits:

  • Hazard Identification: Detects potential electrical hazards that could cause injuries or fatalities.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures adherence to standards and legal obligations.
  • Cost Savings: Reduces costs associated with electrical hazards, such as compensation claims and equipment damage.
  • Energy Efficiency: Identifies inefficiencies and reduces energy consumption, lowering utility bills.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Demonstrates a commitment to safety, boosting your organization’s reputation and trustworthiness.
  • Avoid Negligence Claims: By having your electrical installation tested at regular intervals, you can demonstrate that you are taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety of others.

What is Checked During an Electrical Safety Audit?

Examples of checks that may be performed during an audit include:

  • Electrical Equipment: Inspection of electrical panels, switches, surge protectors, capacitors, circuit breakers., etc.
  • Wiring Systems: Checking for exposed, frayed, or faulty wiring.
  • Grounding Practices: Ensuring proper grounding to prevent electrical shocks.
  • Overloaded Circuits: Identifying circuits that are over capacity.
  • Safety Documentation. Reviewing existing certification and compliance documents.

How Often Should an Electrical Safety Audit Be Performed?

For landlords there is a mandatory legal requirement to have a valid EICR every five years. For private homes and businesses there is no specific legal requirement. However, regular audits reduce hazard risks and provide greater peace of mind.

An EICR is a good idea when you are selling a house. It can be a useful selling point as it provides prospective buyers with peace of mind with regards to the electrical safety of the property. If you are buying a house, you could insist on an EICR as a condition of sale, although you will may have to add this to the price of the house. Then again, everything is negotiable.

For homeowners not selling their house, the recommendation for an EICR is every ten years.

For businesses, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) state that "Electrical installations should be tested often enough that there is little chance of deterioration leading to danger". So, audit frequency depends on the nature of the business, the demands placed on the installation, the age of the installation, and any operational changes that place additional demands on the system. Businesses that have the public on their premises might want to test more frequently due to increased risks.

While there is no specific time frequency that applies to all businesses, the HSE statement implies that you need to err on the side of caution and have your electrical installation tested regularly. For this reason, you should seek expert advice when you have your next electrical audit or EICR.

To book an electrical audit or compliance check...

Contact us
Call us on 07793 387 287